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Conservative Mutual Funds

Below is a list of Conservative Mutual Funds. Click on an Mutual Fund to see its details. To filter the list, use the Screener.

Symbol Name Price Market Cap 52 Week High 52 Week Low
OYCIX Invesco Select Risk Conservative Inv-Y 8.73 361.999 8.74 7.836
ONCFX JPMorgan Investor Conservative Growth-I 12.62 3876.397 12.63 10.993
FAZYX Fidelity Adv Multi-Asset Income-M 13.95 2603.279 13.978 11.991
SCMSX SEI Core Market Strategy SAAT-I 12.26 39.804 12.32 10.594
FIQDX Fidelity Adv Strategic Real Return-Z 8.46 494.645 8.527 7.748
RDRPX American Funds Retirement Inc-Cnsrv R2 11.48 1196.698 11.49 10.15
LMGIX Franklin Multi-Asset Defensive Growth-I 12.86 107.305 12.86 10.936
OACIX Invesco Select Risk Conservative Inv-A 8.68 362.016 8.69 7.805
RQRPX American Funds Retirement Inc-Cnsrv R5 11.53 1196.653 11.54 10.134
HCVIX Hartford Conservative Allocation-I 11.08 95.844 11.09 9.533
WMBGX Allspring Spectrum Conseratve Grwth-A 9.84 227.247 9.84 8.478
FFANX Fidelity Asset Manager 40 12.88 2246.839 12.9 11.076
BRMPX BlackRock 40/60 Target Allocation-R 12.76 629.89 12.76 10.782
HAFIX Hartford AARP Balancd Retirement-I 8.95 60.611 9.021 8.094
GUDPX Guggenheim Diversified Income-P\Disc 25.35 8.059 25.37 22.849
TGPCX TCW Conservative Allocation-I 11.9 31.999 11.9 10.117
GSBIX Goldman Sachs Income Builder-Inst 25.61 2355.982 25.63 21.856
BAICX BlackRock Multi-Asset Income-A 10.05 10877.115 10.06 8.747
CSTAX 2027 American Funds College-529F1 11.97 3349.027 11.98 10.748
SWJRX Schwab Monthly Income Target Payout 9.82 33.262 9.867 8.644
MCARX MFS Conservative Allocation-R2 16.24 3784.407 16.27 14.193
SWKRX Schwab Monthly Income Flexible Payout 10 61.487 10.05 8.805
FAFWX American Funds Retirement Inc-Cnsrv F1 11.51 1196.672 11.52 10.137
EXBAX Manning & Napier Pro-Blend ModrateTerm-S 14.32 330.503 14.34 12.482
IHAYX Hartford Multi-Asset Income-Y 19.44 596.915 19.45 17.087
TACIX Transamerica AsstAllc Conservative-I 10.54 451.106 10.55 9.043
FTANX Fidelity Asset Manager 30 11.8 2026.343 11.81 10.346
IRMPX Voya Retirement Moderate-A 10.23 683.807 10.23 8.82
FTINX Fidelity Adv Asset Manager 30-I 11.8 2024.62 11.82 10.351
TRIFX Catalyst/SMH Total Return Income-A 4.72 17.799 4.74 4.045
JNBAX JPMorgan Income Builder-A 9.8 8652.156 9.81 8.412
GITTX GuidePath Conservative Allocaton-In\Disc 10.38 422.34 10.46 9.5
MACKX MFS Conservative Allocation-R1 16.12 3784.573 16.14 14.126
JLMOX JHancock Lifestyle Blend Moderate 1 10.7 401.065 10.71 9.211
EKSYX Allspring Diversified Income Builder-Ins 5.88 351.274 5.88 4.909
HBLTX Hartford Balanced Income-R5 14.48 12313.632 14.572 12.665
HAFYX Hartford AARP Balancd Retirement-Y 8.89 60.614 8.96 8.027
JFLJX JPMorgan Investor Conservative Growth-R6 12.61 3876.427 12.62 10.972
BIMPX BlackRock 40/60 Target Allocation-Inst 12.95 630.273 12.95 10.904
WBALX Weitz Conservative Allocation-Inv 16.98 233.708 17.078 15.25
SMSIX SEI Moderate Strategy SAAT-I 11.91 83.989 11.97 10.725
GLRIX James Balanced Golden Rainbow-Inst 21.8 431.936 21.82 18.188
UGTAX USAA Growth and Tax Strategy-A 27.13 839.446 27.13 21.756
TPILX TIAA-CREF Lifecycle Retirement Inc-Prem 11.28 423.58 11.29 9.78
SRFNX Sierra Tactical Risk Spectrum 50-Inv 24.32 361.069 24.32 21.024
RNCAX American Funds Conservative Gr & Inc-R1 12.98 7551.777 13 11.191
SMOAX SEI Moderate Strategy SAAT-F 11.5 83.924 11.56 10.342
GMMRX Nationwide Investor Destn Mod Cnsrv-R 9.98 253.516 9.99 8.675
SRFJX Sierra Tactical Risk Spectrum 50-Inst 24.33 361.069 24.33 20.975
NVMBX Allspring Moderate Balanced-Adm\Disc 19.85 99.107 19.85 17.671
TWSCX American Century Strtgc Alloc:Cnsrv-Inv 5.54 323.944 5.55 4.809
VTMFX Vanguard Tax-Managed Balanced-Admr 44.05 9627.92 44.05 36.449
FMSDX Fidelity Multi-Asset Income 13.94 2603.295 13.965 11.968
JNBCX JPMorgan Income Builder-C 9.77 8652.371 9.78 8.419
BAMPX BlackRock 40/60 Target Allocation-InvA 12.8 630.365 12.8 10.798
ILAAX Invesco Income Allocation-R5 10.44 351.395 10.45 9.24
FOCIX Fairholme Focused Income 12.96 200.748 12.967 11.567
VSCGX Vanguard LifeStrategy Conserv Grwth-Inv 21.06 10173.538 21.08 18.118
AOCIX American Century One Choice Conserv-Inv 12.97 1113.178 12.99 11.206
RTRPX American Funds Retirement Inc-Cnsrv R6 11.53 1196.653 11.54 10.13
SWCGX Schwab MarketTrack Conservative 15.94 202.744 15.94 13.718
GUDIX Guggenheim Diversified Income-Inst\Disc 25.44 8.059 25.46 22.925
CLRRX Columbia Capital Alloc Mod Conserv-\Disc 9.24 340.47 9.57 8.376
MCONX Praxis Genesis Conservative-A 11.94 23.894 11.95 10.442
FSIRX Fidelity Adv Strategic Real Return-I 8.46 495.225 8.528 7.744
WMBZX Allspring Spectrum Conseratve Grwth-Inst 9.87 227.239 9.87 8.483
FSRRX Fidelity Strategic Real Return 8.48 495.235 8.548 7.763
JNBSX JPMorgan Income Builder-I 9.82 8652.009 9.83 8.423
RNCCX American Funds Conservative Gr & Inc-R3 13.02 7551.613 13.04 11.195
BIICX BlackRock Multi-Asset Income-Inst 10.06 10877.074 10.07 8.74
RINFX American Funds Conservative Gr & Inc-R5 13.09 7551.333 13.11 11.209
ITTVX Hartford Multi-Asset Income-R6 19.42 596.92 19.43 17.061
HBLIX Hartford Balanced Income-I 14.39 12322.675 14.472 12.573
PIAFX Invesco Multi-Asset Income-A 7.88 1008.317 7.89 6.927
RINBX American Funds Conservative Gr & Inc-R2 12.97 7551.809 12.99 11.184
TGPNX TCW Conservative Allocation-N 11.92 31.998 11.92 10.15
FWBTX Fidelity Adv Multi-Asset Income-C 13.91 2603.326 13.937 12.031
TLRRX TIAA-CREF Lifecycle Retirement Inc-Inv 11.27 423.583 11.28 9.777
RARPX American Funds Retirement Inc-Cnsrv R1 11.47 1195.656 11.49 10.155
USBLX USAA Growth and Tax Strategy 27.22 839.737 27.22 21.765
FAYZX Fidelity Adv Multi-Asset Income-I 13.94 2605.177 13.96 11.961
WFMYX Allspring Moderate Balanced-Inst\Disc 19.89 99.107 19.89 17.701
WBAIX Weitz Conservative Allocation-Inst 17.01 233.707 17.113 15.274
FFNIX Fidelity Adv Asset Manager 40-I 12.89 2248.583 12.91 11.078
NAARX American Funds Retirement Inc-Cnsrv A 11.5 1196.679 11.51 10.121
TAIFX American Funds TaxAwr Cnsrv Gr & Inc-F1 15.83 4961.945 15.84 13.245
MROSX MassMutual 40/60 Allocation-R5 8.89 180.675 8.9 7.638
TSCLX TIAA-CREF Lifestyle Conservative-Inv 12.65 313.806 12.66 10.822
SPBAX DWS Multi-Asset Conservative Alloc-S 13.14 62.967 13.15 11.338
GLRBX James Balanced Golden Rainbow-Inv 22.19 431.877 22.21 18.542
RJRPX American Funds Retirement Inc-Cnsrv R3 11.52 1196.663 11.54 10.168
BKMPX BlackRock 40/60 Target Allocation-K 12.96 629.774 12.96 10.912
RMRPX American Funds Retirement Inc-Cnsrv R4 11.61 1196.596 11.62 10.219
CTHAX 2027 American Funds College-529A 13.13 3938.094 13.14 11.379
JIAIX JHancock Multi-Asset High Income-I 8.96 113.606 8.97 7.626
NIPAX Columbia Capital Alloc Mod Conserv-Inst 9.7 350.265 9.71 8.262
IIFAX Voya Balanced Income-A 9.23 225.547 9.23 7.86
VGCLX VALIC Company I Cnsrv Grwth Lifestyle 11.25 297.42 11.26 9.551
VWINX Vanguard Wellesley Income-Inv 25.12 50684.374 25.22 22.138
CIBYX Columbia Income Builder-Inst3 11.4 963.346 11.41 10.03
TLSPX TIAA-CREF Lifestyle Conservative-Prem 12.68 313.8 12.69 10.832
SOKAX SEI Core Market Strategy SAAT-F 10.43 39.8 10.49 9.028
ACCIX American Century Strtgc Alloc Conserv-I 5.54 323.944 5.55 4.802
CAPSX Federated Hermes Capital Income-Inst 8.48 684.511 8.48 7.179
TRRIX TRPrice Retirement Balanced-Inv 13.34 2178.675 13.35 11.551
TRIIX Catalyst/SMH Total Return Income-I 4.7 17.799 4.72 4.027
WFMAX Allspring Moderate Balanced-A\Disc 19.58 99.107 19.58 17.449
RRTIX TRPrice Retirement Balanced-R 13.33 2177.042 13.34 11.584
HBFBX Hennessy Balanced-Inv 11.63 12.343 11.868 10.596
NSDCX Nationwide Investor Destn Mod Cnsrv-S 10.04 253.504 10.05 8.713
MCKIX MainStay Conservative Allocation-I 12.05 389.157 12.06 10.358
PRSIX TRPrice Spectrum Conservative Alloc-Inv 19.69 1973.43 19.69 16.948
RINEX American Funds Conservative Gr & Inc-R4 13.06 7551.449 13.08 11.202
CACMX Invesco Select Risk Mod Conserv Inv-C 10.35 274.008 10.36 9.1
NCBIX New Covenant Balanced Income 22.5 75.794 22.63 19.501
GMIMX Nationwide Investor Destn Mod Cnsrv-R6 10.1 253.492 10.11 8.744
INPFX American Funds Conservative Gr & Inc-F1 13.07 7557.231 13.09 11.214
CKKRX Columbia Income Builder-Inst2 11.41 963.339 11.42 10.044
OCCIX Invesco Select Risk Conservative Inv-C 8.56 362.057 8.57 7.739
FTCZX Franklin Conservative Allocation-Adv 13.85 888.328 13.85 11.714
TRICX Catalyst/SMH Total Return Income-C 4.71 17.799 4.73 4.068
POBCX Aristotle Portfolio Optim Mod Consrv-C 9.89 208.683 9.89 8.572
DIFHX MFS Diversified Income-R6 12.05 2160.505 12.06 10.49
FSRAX Fidelity Adv Strategic Real Return-A 8.44 495.214 8.503 7.744
FLDOX Meeder Moderate Allocation-Ret 12.66 176.668 12.66 10.642
JALMX JHancock Multimanager Lifestyle Mod-A 12.23 2211.514 12.25 10.524
FCSRX Fidelity Adv Strategic Real Return-C 8.3 496.319 8.379 7.654
ISFYX Lord Abbett Multi-Asset Income-I 15.59 802.827 15.6 13.398
TAIAX American Funds TaxAwr Cnsrv Gr & Inc-A 15.84 4961.928 15.85 13.239
TCAIX Thrivent Moderately Conservative Alloc-S 12.85 1109.173 12.86 10.968
CAAYX Invesco Select Risk Mod Conserv Inv-Y 10.46 273.986 10.47 9.13
EKSAX Allspring Diversified Income Builder-A 6.06 351.203 6.07 5.079
INPAX American Funds Conservative Gr & Inc-A 13.06 7557.274 13.07 11.2
ISFAX Lord Abbett Multi-Asset Income-A 15.7 802.777 15.71 13.513
LNOAX Ladenburg Income & Growth-A 12.75 62.013 12.75 10.803
CAPCX Federated Hermes Capital Income-C 8.47 683.704 8.48 7.23
FTTNX Fidelity Adv Asset Manager 30-M 11.78 2026.36 11.8 10.368
PCCIX Principal SAM Conservative Balanced-Inst 12.12 1835.065 12.13 10.297
RMYSX Russell Inv Multi-Strategy Income-S 9.48 314.707 9.5 8.181
INPEX American Funds Conservative Gr & Inc-F2 13.08 7557.192 13.1 11.203
NADCX Nationwide Investor Destn Mod Cnsrv-A 9.94 253.525 9.95 8.624
FMUFX Federated Hermes Muni & Stock Advant-F 14.52 1381.35 14.53 12.276
RMLSX Russell Inv Lifepoints Moderate Strat-S 9.54 138.86 9.55 8.17
WHGIX Westwood Income Opportunity-Inst 11.73 515.153 11.74 10.07
PPIPX TRPrice Spectrum Conservative Alloc-I 19.66 1973.451 19.67 16.915
CTHFX 2030 American Funds College-529F1 13.2 3937.93 13.21 11.424
PARIX TRPrice Retirement Balanced-Adv 13.35 2178.667 13.36 11.581
CTSFX 2027 American Funds College-529F1 12.04 3348.89 12.05 10.794
ITTFX Hartford Multi-Asset Income-F 18.98 597.035 18.98 16.661
MRMLX MassMutual 40/60 Allocation-Adm 8.94 180.461 8.95 7.694
RMLAX Russell Inv Lifepoints Moderate Strat-A 9.42 138.864 9.43 8.079
HAFCX Hartford Multi-Asset Income-C 19.19 596.98 19.19 16.983
TRPTX TRPrice Retirement Balanced-I\Disc 11.28 589.47 11.29 10.226
ALAAX Invesco Income Allocation-A 10.44 351.395 10.45 9.257
FIWBX Fidelity Adv Multi-Asset Income-Z 13.94 2603.295 13.964 11.961
LIXTX Lord Abbett Multi-Asset Income-R5 15.6 802.823 15.61 13.408
ICLLX Transamerica AsstAllc Conservative-C 10.34 450.749 10.36 8.954
INPCX American Funds Conservative Gr & Inc-C 12.98 7551.777 13 11.193
LNOCX Ladenburg Income & Growth-C 12.45 62.027 12.45 10.601
FDFWX American Funds Retirement Inc-Cnsrv F2 11.52 1196.663 11.54 10.127
FFNCX Fidelity Adv Asset Manager 40-C 12.83 2253.872 12.85 11.111
NLGAX Columbia Capital Alloc Mod Conserv-A 9.91 350.545 9.91 8.448
FCANX Fidelity Adv Asset Manager 30-C 11.66 2026.45 11.68 10.307
CMNVX Catholic RespInv Magnus 45/55-Inv 10.13 129.552 10.15 8.595
AABFX Thrivent Balanced Income Plus-A 13.81 418.222 13.82 11.828
JIAFX JHancock Multi-Asset High Income-A 8.95 113.607 8.96 7.633
MNMIX Manning & Napier Pro-Blend ModrateTerm-I 14.39 330.491 14.41 12.516
TRILX TIAA-CREF Lifecycle Index Ret Inc-Inst 16.27 719.084 16.28 13.994
GGIZX GuideStone Balanced Allocation-Inv 11.71 1273.931 11.71 9.989
DIFGX MFS Diversified Income-R4 12.05 2160.505 12.06 10.497
TLRIX TIAA-CREF Lifecycle Retirement Inc-Inst 11.29 423.576 11.29 9.769
MACFX MFS Conservative Allocation-A 16.83 3785.841 16.85 14.668
HBLAX Hartford Balanced Income-A 14.38 12314.112 14.48 12.595
MACBX MFS Conservative Allocation-B 16.79 3785.91 16.81 14.71
CAPFX Federated Hermes Capital Income-F 8.46 684.523 8.46 7.181
LNOIX Ladenburg Income & Growth-I 12.79 62.06 12.79 10.812
GBAYX GuideStone Balanced Allocation-Inst 11.73 1273.913 11.73 9.993
VWIAX Vanguard Wellesley Income-Admr 60.86 50694.737 61.08 53.605
EVFCX E-Valuator Conservative 15-30 RMS-R4 9.75 50.298 9.75 8.789
PIYFX Invesco Multi-Asset Income-Y 7.89 1009.596 7.89 6.916
PICFX Invesco Multi-Asset Income-C 7.88 1009.601 7.88 6.962
AACRX American Century Strtgc Alloc Conserv-R 5.51 323.366 5.52 4.797
MACJX MFS Conservative Allocation-R4 16.84 3785.834 16.86 14.66
CHWRX Columbia Capital Alloc Mod Conserv-Adv 9.78 350.597 9.78 8.332
WWIAX Westwood Income Opportunity-A 11.72 515.156 11.73 10.063
RBBAX Columbia Income Builder-A 11.36 963.373 11.37 10.014
FFNAX Fidelity Adv Asset Manager 40-A 12.9 2250.328 12.91 11.1
FWATX Fidelity Adv Multi-Asset Income-A 13.94 2605.177 13.96 11.983
BCICX BlackRock Multi-Asset Income-C 10.04 10877.135 10.05 8.786
GSBFX Goldman Sachs Income Builder-A 24.89 2355.483 24.9 21.288
BKMIX BlackRock Multi-Asset Income-K 10.06 10877.074 10.07 8.737
CNMRX Columbia Income Builder-Adv 11.41 964.191 11.42 10.036
JNBZX JPMorgan Income Builder-R6 9.82 8652.009 9.83 8.419
DIFIX MFS Diversified Income-I 12.05 2160.505 12.06 10.488
TLIRX TIAA-CREF Lifecycle Retirement Inc-Ret 11.26 423.587 11.26 9.767
GPTCX GuidePatth Conservative Allocaton-Ser 11.06 537.984 11.06 9.506
FTAAX Fidelity Adv Asset Manager 30-A 11.81 2026.336 11.82 10.379
MNELX MainStay Conservative ETF Allocation-I 10.68 45.905 10.69 9.213
SAIPX Principal SAM Conservative Balanced-A 12.28 1834.865 12.29 10.449
HBLYX Hartford Balanced Income-Y 14.59 12321.605 14.683 12.755
FSRTX Fidelity Adv Strategic Real Return-M 8.45 495.219 8.513 7.753
DIFAX MFS Diversified Income-A 12.05 2160.505 12.06 10.517
SPDAX DWS Multi-Asset Conservative Alloc-A 13.16 62.918 13.18 11.379
HBLCX Hartford Balanced Income-C 14.13 12324.101 14.229 12.438
OCGCX JPMorgan Investor Conservative Growth-C 12.45 3876.818 12.46 10.906
FTCIX Franklin Conservative Allocation-A 13.85 888.328 13.85 11.735
RINGX American Funds Conservative Gr & Inc-R6 13.09 7557.145 13.11 11.205
JILMX JHancock Multimanager Lifestyle Mod-1 12.13 2211.663 12.14 10.407
UCMCX USAA Cornerstone Moderately Conservative 10.86 180.536 10.87 9.474
CFAIX Calvert Conservative Allocation-I 17.66 244.134 17.68 15.231
MXDPX Empower Moderately Cnsrv Prfl-Inv 8.23 650.456 8.23 7.173
IBBFX Thrivent Balanced Income Plus-S 13.76 417.928 13.78 11.769
ACCAX American Century Strtgc Alloc Conserv-A 5.53 323.36 5.54 4.808
ITTAX Hartford Multi-Asset Income-A 19.05 596.701 19.06 16.775
PFTSX PFG Tactical Income Strategy-R 9.84 102.679 9.84 8.54
POBAX Aristotle Portfolio Optim Mod Consrv-A 10.39 208.804 10.39 8.951
OICAX JPMorgan Investor Conservative Growth-A 12.52 3876.643 12.53 10.933
GSBCX Goldman Sachs Income Builder-C 24.36 2354.842 24.38 20.946
TXIFX American Funds TaxAwr Cnsrv Gr & Inc-F2 15.86 4961.88 15.88 13.249
MCKAX MainStay Conservative Allocation-A 11.9 388.873 11.91 10.247
HBLFX Hartford Balanced Income-F 14.39 12314.07 14.479 12.575
ITTIX Hartford Multi-Asset Income-I 19 597.029 19 16.694
RMYYX Russell Inv Multi-Strategy Income-Y 9.51 315.031 9.52 8.198
CCLAX Calvert Conservative Allocation-A 17.65 244.274 17.67 15.24
FTCCX Franklin Conservative Allocation-C 13.5 887.899 13.5 11.5
JTMIX JHancock Multimanager Lifestyle Mod-I 12.12 2211.682 12.14 10.411
ALAYX Invesco Income Allocation-Y 10.44 351.395 10.45 9.242
FMUIX Federated Hermes Muni & Stock Advan-Inst 14.52 1381.35 14.53 12.256
ICLAX Transamerica AsstAllc Conservative-A 10.46 451.139 10.48 8.998
TNVDX 1290 Loomis Sayles Multi-Asset Income I 10.65 68.702 10.66 9.409
EKSDX Allspring Diversified Income Builder-Adm 5.89 351.27 5.89 4.927
DVOIX Meeder Moderate Allocation-Inst 12.74 176.657 12.74 10.683
GKIRX Goldman Sachs Income Builder-Inv 25.51 2355.114 25.53 21.779
CAPAX Federated Hermes Capital Income-A 8.47 684.517 8.47 7.18
FFNTX Fidelity Adv Asset Manager 40-M 12.88 2250.329 12.9 11.108
SBCPX Franklin Multi-Asset Defensive Growth-A 12.9 107.301 12.9 11
CAAMX Invesco Select Risk Mod Conserv Inv-A 10.48 273.982 10.49 9.167
MACIX MFS Conservative Allocation-I 17.02 3785.571 17.04 14.811
FMUAX Federated Hermes Muni & Stock Advant-A 14.52 1381.35 14.53 12.276
CBUZX Columbia Income Builder-Inst 11.36 963.373 11.37 9.996
HCVAX Hartford Conservative Allocation-A 11.06 95.758 11.07 9.538
MCKNX MainStay Conservative Allocation-Inv 11.9 388.873 11.91 10.26
TLSHX TIAA-CREF Lifestyle Conservative-Adv 12.67 313.802 12.68 10.828
TLRHX TIAA-CREF Lifecycle Retire Income Adv 11.29 423.576 11.3 9.785
TLIHX TIAA-CREF Lifecycle Index Ret Inc Adv 16.27 719.084 16.28 14.003
DVOAX Meeder Moderate Allocation-Adv 12.72 176.659 12.72 10.659
CAARX Calvert Conservative Allocation-R6 17.67 244.272 17.69 15.224
HBLVX Hartford Balanced Income-R6 14.59 12321.605 14.679 12.745
PMEFX Penn Mutual Am 1847 Income I 9.66 45.04 9.703 8.702
TYIFX American Funds TaxAwr Cnsrv Gr & Inc-F3 15.85 4961.906 15.86 13.219
MXJUX Empower Moderately Cnsrv Prfl-Inst 9.9 650.446 9.9 8.605
RHSIX Rational Strategic Allocation-Inst 9.97 12.498 9.97 6.716
ISAIX Voya Strategic Allocation Cnsrv Port I 11.34 58.578 11.34 9.697
IRMIX Voya Retirement Moderate Port I 10.41 683.69 10.41 8.95
UGTIX Victory Growth and Tax Strategy Ins 27.19 839.744 27.19 21.75